Toronto Sun article

The article is about Mendl Schwartz, who was one of the first patients to receive a new hip with the HANNA table at Humber hospital.

About a year ago, Mendl Schwartz was looking for a hip replacement because of severe osteoarthritis. He met Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde and was booked for surgery at Humber Hospital. He had heard about he direct anterior hip approach from friends in Florida, and was interested in having this procedure.

At the time of his booking however, that procedure was not yet offered by Humber hospital.

Fast forward six months later, and Mendl’s surgical date arrived. He was surprised when he checked in at Humber hospital and was told his hip replacement would be done using The HANNA table via the direct anterior approach by Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde. Mendl was estatic. It was explained to him, but the hospital with trialling the table to see if this procedure it was something viable for the hospital and Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde

Mendl was so happy with this surgery that he made it his mission to ensure that Humber hospital would keep the HANNA table. He and his wife Pauline Have helped spearhead a fundraising campaign at Humber hospital, and together with the Humber Foundation, have helped to collect donors.

The generosity provided by the community has helped to supply Humber with its first HANNA table. This has ensured that Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde will be able to continue doing direct anterior total hip replacements for years to come.

Read more about Mendyl’s story this coming Dec 24,2016 in the Toronto Sun (December 24, 2016)

CBC Metro Morning gets Hip!

Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde was interviewed on Wednesday January 4th, 2017 by CBC Metro Morning to discuss his experience this far with Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty. To hear the segment, please click here.